
My name is Katherine and I am a qualified, BANT registered Nutritional Therapist and Mum of 3 boys.

I specialise in helping other Mums who are suffering with depression, anxiety, low mood and overwhelm to remember what good feels like.

My pilot light first went out at the tender age of 13. When I sought help, it took approximately 8 minutes for the GP to hand me a prescription for anti-depressants, and send me on my merry way.

But what if I was more than a walking serotonin deficiency? Surely someone should have been asking me what I ate, if I exercised or be offering me the opportunity to discuss my feelings? It took years to find out what guidance and support I needed to feel good and when I finally got back on my feet, I knew that one day, I needed to help people like me with their own recovery. So I retrained in Nutrition at the age of 40 and here I am.

Mental health is multi factorial. The body and mind are interconnected; they are not two separate entities. There is compelling evidence that a troubled mind can result in physical symptoms and this works the other way too. Imbalances in the body can cause poor mental health. When we think of depression and anxiety, we think of our heads but what if the problem is in our guts? Or perhaps an under active thyroid or an iron deficiency? It is not enough to manage symptoms; we need to get to the root cause and address all aspects of a person; body, mind and soul holistically.

🌸 Book a free introductory call with me below to see how we can work together to get you back to remembering what good feels like 🌸


  • BANT Registered Nutritional Therapist

  • Trained as ‘Mental health first aider’ with MHFA

  • Trained in ‘Pharmacology and drug nutrient interactions’ with Debbie Grayson

  • Member of Tanya Borowski’s advanced affiliate mentorship programme

  • Member of the British Association of Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine (BANT)

  • Member of the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC)

Book a Free Introductory Call

I offer a FREE 20 minute introductory call for anyone considering one of my packages. We can discuss what health issues you need help with and how I can best support you.